Polydesmida: Dalodesmidae: Tasmanopeltis

Tasmanopeltis grandis Mesibov, 2006
Tasmanopeltis grandis is the largest H+20 polydesmidan in Tasmania, with some females reaching 35 mm in length. This species could be confused with Tasmanodesmus hardyi, but like Dasystigma species, T. grandis has large, "hairy" spiracles and a prominent seta on the rear paranotal corner, and T. hardyi has neither of these features. As with Dasystigma species, preliminary genetic results suggest that this species could be classified in an expanded Lissodesmus.
Tasmanopeltis grandis is found in all forest types in the northeast. Adults are generally found in or under rotting logs, or under stones.

Posterior view of gonopods (left), lateral view of midbody spiracles (right, with head to left)