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The ìèñëèâñüêå mystery
I audited a Ukrainian dataset that had both Latin-character data items and Cyrillic-character ones. An example of the Cyrillic items is
Голованівське мисливське господарство
The dataset was revised, and when I saw it again all the Cyrillic data items had turned into gibberish. The example above was now
Ãîëîâàí³âñüêå ìèñëèâñüêå ãîñïîäàðñòâî
This was very strange mojibake. It was a one-for-one character replacement, and both the original Cyrillic and the derived gibberish were in UTF-8, with no obvious connection between the multibyte UTF-8 values.
Even stranger, it wasn't hard to find the same gibberish online:

A probable solution to the mystery is that the original characters were encoded in 1-byte Windows-1251:

These were then converted to UTF-8 in the first version of the dataset I audited. During the revision of the original data, the 1-byte characters were mistakenly read as Windows-1252:

and then converted to UTF-8. iconv supports this idea:

One fine, glorious day in the future, Microsoft will move its applications to Unicode and join the rest of us. Until then, we'll just have to put up with ìèñëèâñüêå.
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2025-02-07 AWK's view of existence
Last update: 2025-01-31
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