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CSV to table, table to CSV
The title of this post may sound a little strange. A data CSV is already a table, isn't it? With fields separated by commas?
True, but the data ops demonstrated below aren't so simple. The first one comes from a 2019 Stack Exchange question. Given this CSV (I'll call the file "datacsv")...
...how could you build a table with the first field as column headers, the second field as row headers and the third field as values? The highest-voted answer used an AWK script with three for loops, but the job can be done a lot easier with GNU datamash:

datamash -st, crosstab 2,1 collapse 3 < datacsv | tr ',' '\t'
The two datamash general options used here are s for sorting, and t, for a comma as input field delimiter. The crosstab operation builds a pivot table using unique field 2 entries for row headers and unique field 1 entries for column headers. The values in field 3 are left unchanged by the collapse operation.
The datamash output is comma-separated and I've used tr to change those commas into tabs. It's possible to get the same result with another datamash option, --output-delimiter=$'\t', but that's more typing!
The reverse operation is to "decompose" a 2x2 table into its component triplets, namely row value, column value, table value, and comma-separate the values. To demonstrate I'll use a made-up example, "datatable", which is tab-separated:
Team | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 |
Firedolls | 16 | 9 | ||
Wonder Women | 14 | 19 | 11 | 15 |
Panthers | 22 | 20 | 19 | |
Queen Bees | 12 | 10 | 17 | |
Fembots | 18 | 22 | 29 | 20 |

awk -F"\t" 'NR==1 {for (i=2;i<=NF;i++) col[i]=$i} \
> NR>1 {for (j=2;j<=NF;j++) print $1 OFS col[j] OFS $j}' \
> OFS="," datatable | sort
The input field separator is first set to a tab (-F"\t"). AWK then works through the header row (NR==1) with a for loop. Beginning with the second field (i=2), AWK builds an array "col" with the field number as the index string and the field entry as the value string. In this way the value of col[2] is "2017", the value of col[3] is "2018", and so on.
Next, AWK works through the remaining lines (NR>1) one by one with another for loop beginning with the second field. For each such entry it prints: the entry in the first field ($1), which is the row header, then an output field separator (OFS; not defined yet), then the "col" value corresponding to that field number (col[j]), then an output field separator, and finally the entry itself ($j). AWK also prints a newline, which is the default for the print operation.
I've defined the output field separator as a "pseudo-argument" after the AWK command (OFS=",") followed by the main argument, "datatable". The AWK output is then passed to sort.
And just for fun I'll pass the "decomposed" table as a CSV to datamash for reconstructing as a table. This time I'll let datamash do the sorting:

Last update: 2021-06-02
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